Lottery Application
lottery application for the 2025-2026 school year (goes live Jan 1st)
lottery application for the 2024-2025 school yeaR (Current Year)
Complete the 2025-2026 Lottery Application Online (Goes Live Jan 1st)
Complete the 2024-2025 Lottery Application Online (Current School Year)
The lottery application and how the lottery system works.
The Albuquerque Aviation Academy (changing name from SAMS Academy) is a Charter School for students who choose to enroll. The following procedures are necessary, as enrollment interest often exceeds the enrollment capacity of the school. Students are admitted through a lottery system.
- Parents wishing to enroll their student(s) must submit an electronic Lottery Application.
- The annual lottery is drawn the first full week of March.
- Parents then have one week to accept or reject the offer.
- Once we have a full enrollment, a waiting list is created and students are selected when there are openings.
Albuquerque Aviation Academy enrollment policies prohibit discrimination on the basis of disability, race, creed, color, gender, gender identity, national origin, religion, or need for special education services.
As per New Mexico State statute the lottery will be governed by the following guidelines:
1. If a student is chosen in the school's lotteries and there is a sibling who is eligible to attend that same school, the sibling
will be given preference for the following school year.
2. Students selected to enroll in Albuquerque Aviation Academy will be able to re-enroll for the following school year provided the family has completed and returned a "Letter of Intent to Return" by the deadline and the student is in good standing at the school.